PYC Cruising Section Committee

Peter Hayton: Class Captain, Cruise Planning + Cruise & Event Bookings, Website Manager

Peter, a marine artist, and his wife Anne, an accomplished marine photographer, have lived in Poole all their lives and have never been far away from the sea. In 1976 Peter took up scuba diving and skippered inflatable dive boats and steel work boats up to 75ft for over 20 years. He started sailing in 1984 and moved into powerboats and Cobb’s Quay in 1996 where he cruised, and helped with the cruising program, organising trips and running the CQBHA website and cruise booking system. Over the 20+ years of power boating, Peter & Anne cruised across the channel and along the English South Coast in their Bavaria 29 Sportboat and their smaller Mariah 250.

In the 2018 Peter & Anne bought a 43 year old Westerly Centaur ‘Kailani’ which they sailed, along with motorboating and leading the CQBHA cruises until 2022, when they sold their Bavaria 29 and now fully enjoy sailing again. Peter loves organising the PYCCS Cruising program and runs the PYCCS Cruising website. Peter would love to hear from members with interesting articles or information for the website and who would be interested in the yacht cruising.

Iain Dickie: Vice Captain, Newsletters

Iain, a previous Cruising Section Class Captain, writes our newsletter and stands in for the Class captain wherever needed and often introduces the talks with his witty repartee. He has enjoyed sailing for 60 years and has an invaluable wealth of knowledge to benefit the cruising committee.

Iain sails with his wife Pam and the Cruising in Company members in his classic Cornish Pilot Cutter 30 ‘Essie May’when we go out on the waters of the Solent and English Channel. Iain also has a great love of history and really enjoys looking into the ancient build of classic boats and the archaeology of our area.

Julie Gribble: Secretary & Membership Secretary

Julie, an avid gardener, runs the Cruising Section secretarial duties for the committee and the membership, and she is the glue that keeps us running smoothly throughout the year. She also runs the PYCCS WhatsApp page that helps all cruising members keep in touch during the cruising season.

Julie and her husband Cliff sail their Hanse 31 ‘Atares’ regularly on our cruises and love the companionship and fun of the Cruising in Company trips. She is always there to lend a helping hand, whether its with Anne organising the well known Pimms Pontoon Party or just helping people to relax, she’s the smiling face that makes you smile.

Keith Askew: Treasurer & Training

Keith has been sailing and a member of Poole Yacht Club for many years, owning various yachts including a 40ft Atlantic Ketch. He has a built up a great knowledge of sailing and yachts over the years and happily passes on his knowledge to others if needed. Keith is in charge of the sections finances and training programs and, as is always his way, helps in the background with many other aspects of the section.

He was also one of the early members that ran the Poole Yacht Club’s Nightwatch Scheme and has helped behind the scenes on a lot of projects relevant to the operational running of the Poole Yacht Club. Since joining the section, Keith has become a very keen member of the Cruising Section and enjoys sailing his Countess 33 ‘Skyva’ on the cruises to various destinations.

Richard Kaye: Section Advisor and Training Advisor

Richard has served on the Cruising Committee for 12 + years and has held the roles of treasurer, training organiser and ran the membership email system sending out emails about all apsects of the section to its members.

He has now taken a well earned backseat, but we desparately wanted to keep him on as our guru advising us on anything we need to know about the Cruising Section. Richard and his wife Pauline regularly participate in our trips, sailing his Dehler 28 ‘Dash’ ahead of us showing us the way. Richard & Pauline are also a great source of entertainment when it comes to relaxing on our boats in the various marinas we visit, with their sense of humour and friendly ways.

Jan Taylor: Social Liasion & Walks

Jan, a Ceramic Artist and her husband Keith, a former Cruising Section Class Captain, have sailed both sides of the Channel for years and have a great knowledge of Cruising and its many benefits to our members. Jan now looks after our Walks programme and social events such as the Fitting out Supper.

Jan has been a member of the Cruising Section Committee for 18 years, our longest serving committee member, and has been our Rep on PYC Social Committee for all those years, ensuring that no clashes occur between Club Social events and Cruising events. Along with all this, she has masterminded the Cruising Sections’ contribution to the Club Revue since 2011!!

Phil Hunt: Committee Member

Phil was a previous Commodore for four years at Draycote Water Sailing Club in the Midlands and has a wealth of knowledge to bring to the committee. He has taken an active part in organising events with the RNLI and other organisations for events that benefit our members, and is running the Photo Competition, Monthly Diary, and helping with other aspects of the section.

Phil and his wife Jan are very active cruising members and participate in most of the trips in their 32 foot Jeanneau Sun Odyssey ‘Relax’. Jan has also shown an interest in helping with the promotional side of the Cruising section.

Helen Carlisle: Events Co-Ordinator

Helen is our newest committee member, and has recently come into sailing through her partner Mark, and has taken to sailing and cruising like a duck to water. They have been active members of the Cruising Section and now Helen has offered to help with the events organisation to take the load off some of the other committee member’s shoulders using her skills in spreadsheets and organisation.